Customize Your Enterprise!
Every owner of an enterprise will agree: no customers no business!
No matter what kind of product or service an enterprise offers it needs people and/or institutions with a special demand.
What makes such interests enthusiastic about the product?
Normally, a marketing department starts working to establish those products or services on the market. At the same time the sales department sprawl out, surfing on the wave and turn interests to customers, deepen customer relationships and finally – sell.
As ususal, it isn’t that easy. DIN EN ISO 9000 defines customers as ultimate objective and demands the companies’ policy, targets, structure and processes to be concentrated on the customer.
Some organizations mainly concentrate on their product and all processes around it are in flow. Mainly, that is.
Definition of the target group
Which market is the best for which product? Am I already part of it or do I still need to be introduced? If yes, how will I be introduced? Who is my target group and how can I reach it?
For whatever reason those questions play a minor part in a product-oriented enterprise. They grow inevitable when turnover is not the way it needs to be – despite high quality products. Unfortunately, those questions still remain unanswered.
Customers were never important, why should that change? And how could it change?
It is obvious, changes need to be made. We do what we can best: change the product, the package and so on and make it public. This should be enough.
The reason why good products do not meet the customer:
You’re not connected to your customer!
The reason why good products only meet the customer at unhealthy prices:
You’re not connected to your customer!
The reason why good products are selling short despite good marketing action:
You’re not connected to your customer!
The reason why orders turn your company into chaos:
You’re not connected to your sales department!
Crisis can be managed
A Product-oriented enterprise is in danger to put its eyes only inside. All action, even marketing measures align to the product. Unfortunately, they damage themselves the most.
Successful companies turn their eyes on the outside, on the market, on the customer. They develop good products which meet request. Everyone wins.
What a product-oriented enterprise needs during a crisis:
Courage. Patience. Power. Self-criticism. Know-how.
Complete Understanding of the entire organization and the ability to totally analyze the situation without giving it a value. It needs will and ability to leave the accustomed manner and turn on 180 degrees. Develop long-term strategies and fill them with defined steps and milestones. Create a schedule.
No chance for chaos. Work up all those problems occurring to avoid them in the future. Do not stay in the comfort zone of the familiar.
This way, crisis can be managed. For sure, it needs time but every little step forward gives proof you will succeed.
Hold on your plan and role up your sleeves. It’s worth it.
Produkt oder Kunden – Customize Your Enterprise

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Eric Lorenz
On Point!